Hellfest 2023

Welcome to the 2023 chapter of Hellfest, where the raw energy of metal resonates through the air and the sublime taste of Muscadet fills the senses. This year, we invite you to immerse yourself in an unforgettable experience that combines the heart-pounding intensity of #hardcore, #death, #trash, #heavy, #black, and #sludge music genres with the unique flavors of our exclusive Muscadet wine, the first ever to be produced from the very soil of Hellfest in Clisson. Join us as we celebrate this unique fusion of music and wine, and let the sounds of Hellfest 2023 and the taste of Clisson’s finest Muscadet carry you through an extraordinary journey.

#hellfest2023 #metalhead #muscadet #wine


Hellfest 2023: A video compiliation of Metal Mayhem and Muscadet Magic

The dark pulse of heavy metal. The serene sipping of Muscadet. What do they have in common? Welcome to Hellfest 2023, a festival that not only (…)

Hellfest 2023: When Metal Mayhem Meets the Dark Elixir of Muscadet

It’s mid-June, the time of year when the enchanting town of Clisson transforms into the epicenter of heavy metal music, embracing tens of (…)

Hellfest 2023: A Symphony of Metal and Muscadet

As the summer heat begins to set in, the denizens of metal from across the world are preparing for their annual pilgrimage to Clisson for Hellfest (…)